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El Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana

El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España (IGME, The Geological and Mining Institute of Spain), is an agency of the Spanish Government, responsible for scientific and technical research in the field of Earth and Marine Sciences, including geological mapping. Its origins date back to "la Comisión para la Carta Geológica de Madrid y General del Reino" (Commission for the Geological Map of Madrid and the Kingdom), founded by Isabel II of Spain in 1849. Between 1870 and 1910 it was known as the "Comisión del Mapa Geológico de España" (Geological Map Commission of Spain), and from 1910 until 1927 as "Instituto Geológico de España", (Geological Institute of Spain). It has been known by its present name since then, except between 1988 and 2001 when it was known as "Instituto Tecnológico Geominero de España" (ITGE), the Technological Institute of Geomining of Spain).

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